Real & Raw Motherhood: The Unfiltered Truth

Real & Raw Motherhood: The Unfiltered Truth

Motherhood is beautiful. It’s full of love, laughter, and moments that make your heart want to burst. But let’s be real—it’s also exhausting, overwhelming, and a rollercoaster of emotions that no one can fully prepare you for.

The Co-Sleeping Chronicles: Goodbye, Couple Snuggles

I can’t even remember the last time I snuggled into my partner at night. Not because I don’t love him—oh, I adore him. I fancy him to bits. But actually going to sleep with anyone other than my children? No, thank you.

Co-sleeping has become my norm, and honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. My boys need me. They find comfort in me. But the flip side? The thought of sleeping near my husband, touching him, or feeling his body heat gives me the ick. I know, it sounds brutal, but it’s the truth. And it has nothing to do with our relationship—I love that man more than words can say—but when it comes to bedtime, my kids are my priority, and my personal space is sacred.

The 5 & 8-Year-Old Chaos

If you think the newborn stage is the hardest, let me introduce you to ages five and eight. Oh. My. God.

My eldest is going through some serious hormonal shifts (yes, boys get them too!). One minute he’s fine, the next he’s crying over the smallest thing, and I’m left wondering what just happened. Is it a phase? Is it permanent? Who knows! But what I do know is that it’s emotionally draining for both of us.

Then there’s my youngest, who was clearly put on this earth to test every ounce of patience I have. He is the ultimate wind-up merchant. His life mission? To see how far he can push everyone before they break. And to top it all off, the child is constantly ill. If there’s a bug going around, you can bet he’s bringing it home.

The Unexpected Reality of a 3-Year Age Gap

Having two boys with only a three-year age gap, I thought was going to be super cute—they’d get along well, share the same interests… Yes, they do: who can make the other cry first. (Usually the eldest.) There is no playing "nicely" with their little cars or building Lego together; it’s all WW3, scrapping—sometimes fake and sometimes the real deal. And I’m here playing ref.

If you need something illegal done, who do you call? Your second child? THOUGHT SO!

The Raw Reality

Motherhood is messy. It’s sleepless nights, endless patience, and learning to function on caffeine and sheer willpower. It’s loving your children so much that it hurts, but also dreaming of the day you can pee alone or shower with out getting in and out multiple times to break up a fight or just drinking a hot cup of coffee with out anyone dunking THEIR biscuit into it!

It’s finding joy in the chaos, even when it feels impossible. It’s understanding that this phase—no matter how difficult—will pass. And despite it all, I wouldn’t change a single thing.

So to all the moms out there in the thick of it, you’re not alone. You’re doing amazing. And if you also get the ick at the thought of bedtime cuddles with your partner, just know—you’re my kind of mom.
